(46)小编点评: FastStone Capture 8.4 单文件版是一款免费的图像浏览、编辑和截图工具!
FastStone Capture 8.4 单文件版是一款免费的图像浏览、编辑和截图工具!屏幕截图软件(FastStone Capture)下载支持包括BMP、JPEG、JPEG 2000、GIF、PNG、PCX、TIFF、WMF、ICO、TGA在内的几乎所有主流图片格式,其独有的光滑和毛刺处理技术让图片更加清晰,提供缩放、旋转、减切、颜色调整功能。感兴趣的朋友,快来faststone capture官网,下载FSCapture绿色版使用体验吧!
1、根据当前要操作的对象的形状,FastStone Capture支持六种捕捉方式:捕捉活动窗口、捕捉窗口/对象、捕捉矩形区域、捕捉手绘区域、捕捉整个屏幕、捕捉滚动窗口。它还支持屏幕录像、屏幕放大镜、拾取屏幕颜色、屏幕标尺、快捷键等诸多实用功能。
2、FastStone Capture 在对捕捉后图像的处理方式也很丰富,可以选择:在编辑器打开;存入剪贴板、文件;自动保存文件、发送到打印机、邮件、WORD、Powerpoint、网络FTP等。存入文件时,可以由通过文件名称模板自由定制文件名,可以保存为BMP、GIF、JPG、PNG、TIF、PDF格式,输出文件夹位置也可以自己设定。
4、将图像转换为 PDF 文件;
5、发送到 PowerPoint,Word,FTP;
一、FastStone Capture (屏幕截图) v8.1
- 屏幕录像机添加”跟随鼠标指针”选项
- 新增通过拖动框架大小来改变录制区域
- 添加热键 F5: 录制时屏幕视频放大/缩小
- 录制音频增加质量选项
- 添加“双击关闭标签”选项
- 浮动工具条可以放置更多的按钮
- 其他改进和错误修正
二、FastStone Capture (屏幕截图) v8.3
* Added support for unicode filenames throughout the software. Screenshots can be saved in different types of characters (e.g. Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Russian …)
* Added “Eye Dropper” to all color dialogs
* Added “Pixelate” as a new option for blurring images
* Improved the “Capture Scrolling Window” tool. Now it supports Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10
* Improved the “Draw” tool. Both number and letter stamps can be used on screenshots
* Other improvements and bug fixes
三、FastStone Capture (屏幕截图) V8.4 更新日志
Added support for high-DPI/high-resolution/4K monitors
Added a tool called Screen Focus, which helps you stay focused on the task under the mouse pointer by dimming the rest of the screen
Added an option to show file names to the output of the “Join Images Side by Side” tool
Added “Adjust Lighting” to the Colors menu
Enhanced the Resize tool so you can resize the image based on pixels or percentage
Enhanced the Screen Color Picker. Now you can:
Press Space/+/- key to zoom in/out. Picking a color from an enlarged image is easier
Specify prefix and suffix to customize the format of RGB, Dec and Hex values
Enhanced the “Acquire Images from Scanner” tool by allowing you to adjust the colors and lighting of scanned images
Other improvements and bug fixes
FastStone Capture 8.4 单文件版 是一款出色的屏幕捕捉(截图)软件,屏幕截图软件(FastStone Capture)它集图像捕捉,浏览,编辑,视频录制等功能于一身,功能完善,使用方便,值得推荐!